Travis Magnet Elementary
1400 S. Lee Ave
Welcome to Travis Elementary!
Home of the Tornados
Principal: Tanya Galindo
Assistant Principal: Erin Reddell
Counselor: Ami Garza
CCF: Connie Janousek
Secretary: Fernanda Castaneda
Attendance Clerk: Teresa Miranda
Magnet/Records Clerk: Sandra Pilger
Nurse: Kristen Brame
Sarah Marquez
Library Clerk: Linda Marquez
Travis Elementary Mission:
Travis Magnet Elementary will ensure that all children receive quality learning experiences to enrich their critical thinking
so that they are active, successful members of an ever-changing world.
Travis Elementary Vision:
All teachers will work at high levels so that all learners can work at high levels!
Travis Elementary Beliefs:
Our campus will be one that promotes truth, honesty, respect and responsibility!