Odessa has always had plenty to be proud of, but the people are what make it great. We are proud of the skilled workforce in Odessa and offer a variety of resources for employers in our market.
Odessa College
In partnership with Odessa College, the Texas Workforce Commission offers skills development grants for local employers seeking to further train employees.
Odessa College offers a wide variety of short-term, non-credit courses and training programs in the areas of personal enrichment, professional development and job skill enhancement. These courses range from one-day workshops to one-year programs. Continuing education units (CEUs) are awarded for successful completion of most courses. Many professionals may obtain CEUs for certification and licensure requirements.
Non-credit courses, seminars, and workshops offer a wide range of topics intended to accommodate individuals of all ages and interests.
Odessa College continually works with prospective employers to assist in placement of graduates and to keep programs up-to-date with current job requirements. Essential occupational skills are taught in these classes by faculty who have years of working experience, as well as appropriate academic credentials.
Career and technical programs carry college credit leading to an associate in applied science degree, a certificate of technology or a certificate of completion. Additionally, many career and technical programs provide opportunities for students to earn industry-recognized licensures or credentials, or transfer to four-year universities.
For more information, please visit the TWC website or contact the Odessa College Continuing Education Department.
Workforce Solutions
Workforce Solutions Permian Basin can help businesses find qualified candidates who are trained and equipped with the right skills, and they can assist in recruiting and training. Here is a list of services they provide:
- Recruiting, screening, and referral to open positions (Basic Services)
- Testing for potential hires and current employees (Customized Services)
- Consulting on topics such as hiring/firing, Equal Opportunity/ADA, turnover analysis, salary and benefits, unemployment insurance, job skills analysis, and staff development
- Rapid response services assist with layoff situations by providing assistance to employees who will be let go
- Shared work assistance
- Finding resources for training new and current employees
- Providing information about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, which reduces a private, for-profit business’ federal tax liability if it hires from a target population
For more information visit workforcepb.org.