Air Attainment Status
Odessa is a Clean Air Attainment City
As an oil and gas producing city, we’re extremely proud of our clean air attainment status. As a part of the Clean Air Act, the EPA has ambient air quality standards for six major air pollutants, and Odessa achieves attainment in all six areas. For companies that are increasingly aware of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) programs to improve air quality in non-attainment cities, Odessa is the place for quality, clean air.
Actions to implement the Clean Air Act have achieved dramatic reductions in air pollution, preventing hundreds of thousands of cases of serious health effects each year.
Aggregate emissions of six common pollutants dropped 70% between 1970 and 2015.
Since 1970, cleaner air and a growing economy have gone hand in hand. The Act has created market opportunities that have helped to inspire innovation in cleaner technologies – technologies in which the United States has become a global market leader.